Site icon Madison Democratic Committee – Madison, New Jersey

Eric Range for Madison Borough Council

I moved to the Madison area more than twenty years ago to attend college and never left. Madison is a community of “doers” whose fabric is woven by borough professionals and its many volunteers working together to create a vibrant community for families, artists, business owners, educators, students, athletes, and activists alike.

I am proud of my record of service to our community. I have served the last 16 years on the Downtown Development Commission (DDC) as both one of the youngest members ever appointed and now as one of the longest serving commissioners ever.  During my tenure, I have served as Commission Chairman, as well as stints chairing numerous sub-committees, including the Taste of Madison, Marketing and Economic Development, Parking, Sign & Facade as well as others.

I am also a founding trustee of the Madison Main Street Foundation, a 501(c) (3) sister organization to the DDC. The Foundation was able to partner with the DDC to mobilize quickly and leverage its non-profit status to fundraise and provide COVID-19 Relief Grants to Madison businesses early during the COVID-19 pandemic.  By the end of 2020 those grants totaled over $192,000 in needed help for our business community.

For the past six years I have been a member of the Madison Board of Health and its president since 2017. During this time, I worked closely with Council liaisons from both parties to strategically realign the Madison Health Department shared services model from that of a provider of services to one as a receiver, ensuring long-term stability of services, financial predictability in the changing shared services marketplace and providing additional value to taxpayers.

In 2019, my running mate, Deb Coen, joined me, Mayor Conley and the borough administration on a team that successfully negotiated a new service agreement with Bloomfield Township. This agreement provides residents with expanded health services, while leveraging Madison-based resources to ensure the high level of health services Madison residents are accustomed to receiving.  

When my own career was derailed by the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, I once again answered the call of my community and became a near full-time volunteer.  For more than 10 months, I assisted daily at the Madison Health Department in the borough’s contact tracing efforts, public information and data analysis, interpreting guidance, and anything else needed to support the efforts of our professional staff in its fight against COVID-19.

I earned my BA in Filmmaking and Digital Design from Fairleigh Dickinson University and have spent my career helping organizations, ranging from small businesses to large educational institutions, leverage various technologies to improve the execution of business processes as well as improve marketing and communication initiatives. Currently, I am serving as CRM product owner for the Realogy Franchise Group, one of Madison’s great corporate neighbors.

Deb Coen and I bring decades of dedication and knowledge to the team. We are both committed to continue to help our downtown maintain and improve its vitality, to strengthen preventative historic preservation around the town and to ensure our sustainable future.

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